* stereo also playable mono *

Space, the final frontier !! These are the voyages of Major Matt Mason - our man in space !! He's on a five year mission for MakroSoft - the world's leading company for pop-art-covers and cheesy remakes ...

Monday, September 25, 2006

" That's one small step for a man - one giant leap for mankind"

" That's one small step for a man - one giant leap for mankind" Neil Armstrong's words on first setting foot on the moon, in 1969. A strong contender as the most famous line ever to have been uttered.
Armstrong's words are sometimes given as, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Clearly the event was of huge significance and the choice of words was quite deliberate. Armstrong maintained for some time later that he said "for a man" rather than "for man". That it was what he, with the help of his wife, had prepared in advance. The rather fuzzy tapes of the event aren't clear enough to be sure, although the 'a' does appear to be missing. In more recent years, after listening again to the recording, Armstrong has acknowledged that he may have fluffed his line. More recently still, analysis of the tape indicates that the 'a' may have be present on the recording but is too indistinct to hear.
"One giant leap for MakroSoft - one smaller step for a
mankind "
March 10th, 2006
the first MakroSoft-Adventure
for and on behalf of the MakroSoft Corporation 1999-2006
... will be continued ... watch out for further space adventures ...


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